
Our tailored approach enables early and rigorous planning, with the identification of areas of operating risks, and quick, smooth and effective problem solving.
  • Knowing the client’s business playing field
  • Identifying and assessing business risks and their impact on financial statements
  • Analysing and rating internal control
  • AAnticipating and solving problems
  • Scheduling checks to ensure the going concern
  • Creating a tailored audit plan
  • Preparing an audit report giving an opinion on financial statements in compliance with applicable legislation

Our auditing method is based on:

  • Technical skills
  • Compliance with the law
    • Strict compliance with ethical and professional regulations
  • Knowledge of clients
    • Detailed knowledge of the client, its policies, size and business

The client is the starting point and the heart of the entire audit process.

Our partners are always present, and embody an assurance for businessmen, managers, boards of statutory auditors, etc. with whom they constantly liaise.

This tailored approach enables early and rigorous planning, with the identification of areas of operating risks, and quick, smooth and effective problem solving, avoiding unexpected and ill-timed issues for clients.

With this method, the advantage for clients is an independent, efficient and effective audit in terms of time and costs.

The “Auditor Report” is an essential contribution in enhancing the reliability of clients’ financial information, to the benefit of shareholders and stakeholders.

Our goal is to assist clients clearly, efficiently and effectively, providing comprehensive added value.
Associated with:

Associata a Confindustria Romagna - Revinet spa

Affiliated with:

logo Elite - Affiliated Revinet

ELITE is the ecosystem that helps small and medium-sized businesses grow and access private and public capital markets.


Legal Office
Viale Bacchiglione 14/a
20121 Milano (MI)
Local Office
Viale Premuda, 46
20121 Milano (MI)
Local Office
Via Mario Gordini, 27
48121 Ravenna (RA)
Local Office
Viale Luigi Luzzatti, 88
31100 Treviso (TV)
+39 0544 215243


C.F., P.IVA e iscrizione Registro Imprese di Ravenna 01480510393
Capitale Sociale euro 160.000,00 i.v.